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Thursday 2nd March 2017:  Drama Strategies in Primary English: Inspiring meaningful writing

Well-structured use of drama techniques can inspire and motivate children, thereby  building meaningful writing opportunities.  Patrice Baldwin, International Drama Educator,  will offer a variety of simple yet powerful techniques that can be used to scaffold and develop different types of children’s ‘thought and talk’.  Her approach is proven to  stimulate, prepare and support children to succeed at different types of writing.  Patrice will show how drama can be used in primary classrooms to support critical and creative thinking.  She will illustrate ways to structure dialogue, debate, discussion, presentation and performance, as well as inspire associated writing in highly engaging, imagined contexts.

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Patrice will work  through three units of her ‘Drama for Writing’ work, offering a progression from KS1 through lower to upper KS2.  Planned writing opportunities within ‘whole class drama’ contexts will be highlighted.  Resources used will include a story maps, picture books and narrative poetry.